Watch this series of videos with our newest friend - the incredibly talented Jared James Nichols as he talks his signature Epiphone guitars, signature Seymour Duncan pickup and his own guitar playing history!

Before his clinic here at on May 30th, 2024, we took the day to hang with the superhuman (and super tall) Jared James Nichols and talk all things guitars. Enjoy this series of videos we created, and be sure to listen to JJN's music and catch him on tour!


The Music Zoo owner Tommy Colletti interview Jared James Nichols on his playing history, techniques and songwriting processes!


Jared speaks with Jordan Usatch about his signature Epiphone Gold Glory and Blues Power Les Pauls!

Jared gives the rundown on his signature Seymour Duncan JJN P90 Silencer pickup that's loaded in his Blues Power Les Paul

Just for fun, we took Jared behind the counter to check out some Gibson Custom Shop Les Paul Seniors and Les Paul Junior Rhythms

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