Periphery Plini Arch Echo Hail Stan Guitars

Periphery, Plini, & Arch Echo put on gratifying grand-finale concert in NYC with a load of awesome guitars!

Despite a few absent bandmates and a vocalist suffering from Laryngitis, Periphery rose to the occasion with another memorable performance at the final show of their "Hail Stan" tour. The sold-out concert at Brooklyn Steel also featured the forces of Plini and Arch Echo, yielding a night filled with plenty of groovy poly-rhythms, ethereal effects, and shreddy solos. With that said, there was no shortage of variety when it came to guitars that graced the stage--Scroll below to see every axe used by the performers throughout the night!


Periphery Plini Arch Echo Hail Stan Guitars

One-half of the Arch Echo guitar-duo, Adam Bentley, utilized a Jackson Pro Series Misha Mansoor Signature HT7 for most of the evening. 


Periphery Plini Arch Echo Hail Stan Guitars

Adam Rafowitz toted a Strandberg Boden Custom Shop 7-string.


Periphery Plini Arch Echo Hail Stan Guitars

Bassist Joe Calderone was seen with a Dingwall NG 2.


Periphery Plini Arch Echo Hail Stan Guitars

Plini was up next, who of course sported his Signature Strandberg Boden Plini Edition.


Periphery Plini Arch Echo Hail Stan Guitars

Periphery Plini Arch Echo Hail Stan Guitars

Co-guitarist Jake Howsam Lowe brought out a pair of Aristides', namely an 060 and 070.


Periphery Plini Arch Echo Hail Stan Guitars

Plini bassist, Simon Grove was busy on his Le Fay Herr Schwarz HL 5-String.


Periphery Plini Arch Echo Hail Stan Guitars

Periphery Plini Arch Echo Hail Stan Guitars

Periphery Plini Arch Echo Hail Stan Guitars

As for the headliners, Periphery's Jake Bowen took to his arsenal signature Ibanez JBM100, JBM27, and a new LACS Shop 27-fret model.


Periphery Plini Arch Echo Hail Stan Guitars

Periphery Plini Arch Echo Hail Stan Guitars

Periphery Plini Arch Echo Hail Stan Guitars

Periphery Plini Arch Echo Hail Stan Guitars

Misha set the record for most guitar changes of the night, slinging three different versions of his Jackson Signature HT6 Juggernaut (one sporting an Evertune bridge). He also brought out his Jackson Custom Shop Heavy Relic Stratocaster which you may recognize from this year's NAMM show.


Periphery Arch Echo Plini The music zoo

Photography by soulesque



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